Workplace Training

Workshops & Webinars for Staff, Supervisors, Managers or Leadership.

Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout Prevention.

These trainings are ideal for mental health & addictions, healthcare & behavioural health consultants, social services and education.

  • Staff learn strategies to protect themselves from compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma while still providing compassionate care.
  • Supervisors or managers learn organizational strategies to support staff.

Flexible Options:

  • 90-minutes, 3 hours or 6 hour trainings via zoom.
  • Access to replay for 30 days
  • Post-training quiz for certificate of completion
  • Post-training participant feedback

(to learn more, please email [email protected])


Most Popular Trainings:

Webinar: Introduction to Compassion Fatigue Resiliency

A 90-minute webinar, via zoom, introducing the concepts of compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout prevention.

Participants will learn how to identify their own risk factors and signs of compassion fatigue followed by a summary of protective factors and 2-3 strategies they can begins using immediately.

This webinar will end with time for questions. Includes optional quiz for certificate of completion. Webinars do not include access to replays. 

"My biggest take away was learning that I suffer from compassion fatigue and it has been overwhelming for the last nine months." Webinar Participant


Workshop: Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout Prevention

This custom 6-hour training is designed to meet the unique experiences your employees have with compassion fatigue/moral injury, vicarious trauma and burnout. Workshops are offered via zoom and can be delivered in 1 day or over 2-3 days. Includes optional quiz for certificate of completion.  Access to replays may be available.

Participants learn how to recognize signs of compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and secondary traumatic stress. Significant time is spent discussing protective factors and reviewing numerous practical strategies to prevent or recover from these experiences.

"There are protective factors and we need to intentionally incorporate certain practices to maintain our health." Workshop Participant

Workshop: Fostering Resilience Through Leadership

This custom 6-hour training is designed to address the unique dynamics of your organization’s need regarding compassion fatigue/moral injury, vicarious trauma and burnout in the workplace. Workshops are offered via zoom and can be delivered in 1 day or over 2-3 days. Includes optional quiz for certificate of completion. Access to replays may be available.  

Participants work through the Six Pillars of Sustainable Caring™ organizational inventory. Significant time is spent discussing strategies in each of these six areas. Building off their inventory, participants will identify immediate, short-term and long-term strategies to strengthen the Six Pillars of Sustainable Caring™. 

"The inventory helped me see where my department could make some changes to help staff." Workshop Participant

Charlene Richard is a social worker in Calgary, Canada and has been working in addictions/mental health since 2005. She is the founder of Caring Safely® an educational institute in Canada that has provided international training to individuals and organizations on compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout prevention since 2008.

Customized Training

While some organizations may be focused on introducing this topic to their staff, others may want more advanced training focused on practical strategies to prevent and recover from compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and secondary traumatic stress 

Depending on the size of the organizations , many choose to offer workshops for both direct providers as well as clinical supervisors, managers and leadership, opening these workshops up to other department or organizations in the community.

Trainings are provided in various formats, including; face-to-face (currently paused due to the pandemic), webinars and virtual workshops via zoom.


Capacity Building

Training and Consultation: Caring Safely® Professional Program 

Build capacity within your organization with the 12-month professional training program. Select people who will become subject matter experts in this area and develop their own trainings for your workplace. Includes 3 consultations with Charlene.

If you are interested in learning more about workplace training, please email [email protected] or call 1-825-994-1542

Previous Events

Navigating the Impacts of Working With Child Abuse. Jefferson Children's Advocacy Centre. 

Pre-Hospital Care Provider Wellness: Compassion Fatigue and Secondary Traumatic Stress. New York State Department of Health. New York, US.

Pre-Hospital Care Provider Wellness: Depression and Anger. New York State Department of Health. New York, US.

Pre-Hospital Care Provider Wellness: Anxiety and Panic. New York State Department of Health. New York. US

Trauma-Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Caminar. California, US.

Fostering Resilience Through Leadership in Trauma Exposed Workplaces. Caminar. California, US.

Introduction to Compassion Fatigue: Skill Training for Compassions Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma,
Moral Distress and Burnout. Burlington Community Living. Ontario, Canada.

Trauma-Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Primary Care Coalition. Maryland, US.

Fostering Resilience Through Leadership in Trauma Exposed Workplaces. Primary Care Coalition. Maryland, US.

Fostering Resilience Through Leadership in Trauma Exposed WorkplacesGood Samaritan. Indiana, US.

Introduction to Compassion Fatigue Resiliency. Indiana Youth Institute. Indiana, US.

Trauma-Informed Compassion Fatigue Resiliency. Grey Bruce Health Services. Ontario, Canada.

Psychosocial Wellness and Burnout Prevention for Educators. Anglophone East School District. New Brunswick, Canada.

Building Resilience to Compassion Fatigue,Vicarious Trauma and Burnout
During Collective Trauma and Grief. Sandy Hill Community Health Centre,  Ontario, Canada.

2020 Caring Safely: Trauma-Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Youth First Inc. Evansville, Indiana

2020 Self-Care for non-traditional parents. Community Presentation. Evansville, Indiana.

2019 Trauma Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Alberta Health Services. Calgary.

2019 Caring Safely: Trauma-Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Alberta Public Labs. Pincher Creek 

2019 Trauma Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience.Grey Bruce Health Services. Owen Sound.

2019 Caring Safely: Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Sally Price Social Work Conference. Kansas City.

2019 Trauma-Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Association of Ontario Midwives. 

2019 Recognizing and Recovering From Secondary Victimization. Association of Ontario Midwives.

2019 Trauma-Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Global Social Welfare Digital Summit. Social Work Helper. 

2018 Preventing Vicarious Trauma in Nursing. British Columbia Nurses Union Annual Conference.

2018 Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice. Canadian Association of Social Workers. 

2018 Preventing Vicarious Traumatization. Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network.

2017 Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma. Canadian Mental Health Association National Conference.

2017 Recognize and Reduce Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout. National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Conference

2016 Stress Management Strategies for Patients. Alberta Health Services 

2016 Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout. Alberta College of Social Worker Annual Conference.

2016 Caring Safely: Trauma-Informed Compassion Fatigue Resilience. Peguis Child and Family Services.

2014 Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout Prevention. National Parole Board of Canada.

2012 Recognize and Reduce Compassion Fatigue.  Ottawa Chapter: Dress For Success, Board of Directors. 

2011 Recognize and Reduce Compassion Fatigue. Community Presentation. St. Leonards Community Services.

2008, 2009, 2010 Recognize and Reduce Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout.  Health Canada - First Nations and Inuit Health.

If you are interested in learning more about workplace training, please email [email protected] or call 1-825-994-1542

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